Table of Contents

Random Ideas

Pill Dispenser

Simple design would be similar to Pez dispenser, yet be adjustable for different pill sizes. Problem is similar to Hopper (feeder) design and ejection method for paint ball guns, gumball machines, coin dispensers, SMT_placement_equipment (pick and place machine), etc.


Pill Singulation is the key word here. How do you make only one pill come out?

Crank, sets torque and allows hand to fit Spring/Rubber Band to tension wheel? Wheel Design 1 (Vertical), make adjustable size? Wheel Design 2 (Vertical), different) Wheel Design 3 Wheel Arrestor / Latch Mechanism

If pills are stuck vertical in Pez dispenser part, then shake it around (360) / vibrate at a fast?? rate. (Hitting it repeatedly probably won't work) The pills won't be able to stay in upright position because sides are small compared to large faces and it will want to fall flat onto its face.

ScriptPro old, probably doesn't work Innovation Associates, commercial automatic feeding. Kirby Lester
\ A video of slick adjustment system

YouTube Link!

, a kicker.

Testing implementation. I think I just need to try it out manually.


Spray adhesive typically used is Super 77 by 3M. Also, Mr. Morley recommended buying the Octave Afinia 3D for his next 3D printer. The resolution on those guys is incredible!

Food Going Bad

Peanut Butter

Summary from great article at LiveScience

Other "preservatives"

Sugar (and probably salt) “tightly” binds with water, making it impossible for mold/fungi to grow as they can't rip apart the water bond. source

The Truth Project

Presented by Focus on the Family, watching at Village Baptist Church, at met a cool guy named Ron that seems to have his head screwed on straight.

Many criticisms under The Truth Project

Generate Arbitrary Standing Waves


Eventual Math StackOverflow Question if I need it

I know I can solve for the input of a system given the desired output and the system response with a number of different methods. However, because of the inherent system response time to the input, I really only know/care about the output after time t, and "don't care" about what happens before time t. What is this topic called? I will happily read other sources about it. 

Application: I am trying to find the input for making an arbitrary "standing" wave using the wave equation as my system, but don't care about the output before time t. 

The Powder Toy is a great toolkit for fast drawing of interactive things on the PC.

1D wave equation, derivation of standing wave. Page 85 of this document

This is a classic partial differential equation (multi-dimensional) problem. Solving the heat spreading along a metal pipe using Fourier Transform.

Combination of Wave_equation, Vibrations_of_a_circular_membrane, and Separation_of_variables to solve them. Nice visualization at


Some guy suggested using Microbeads for his chladni table, but water / non-newtonian fluid might give more interesting results.

Nick Rock said that people have done it using ferrofluids and air / charged coils. Might help…


??? Prove using theory for now. Use a speaker, but maybe better results with lots of individual speakers.

Make Magazine recommends winding your own coil so you don't burn out your wire. Also, try and find an amplifier somewhere too…


Backyard Brains Experiments, excellent experimental design.

They also talk about transistors and amplifier design

Life Simulation (high school level)


Maybe have a competitive market for trades / programming, but a artificially limited market for doctors? And make it 10 years of school and school loans for it as opposed to very few for a trade.


How to make the cool expensive stuff really cool, desirable?


The classroom should be its own stock market, none of this pull from the real market stuff.

Science Demos Experiment Science Fair Ideas

What is the point? What is the goal?


What about doing an engineering day demo in chemistry class, have students work on different ones and present at the end…

TODO for Minter Bridge demo

To buy
To bring

Water Heater

Heating inconsistently. Mainly first shower of the day is at best luke warm. After that point it warms up.

Tankless Heater

Potential causes from around the internet: Better to try the library next time…

PTFE = Teflon. Grandpa recommends Oatey Great White Pipe Joint Compound to allow teflon tape to spin a little farther / tighter. It's not meant to seize and prevent you from opening it up again.


Hot Chair Experiment

Why does everyone else's chair seem warm when we sit in it, but not our own?

Water Heater

What is optimal control for water heater problem? (referring to when to turn on heater, how does the water cool, etc)


Random cool counter-intuitive stuff…is that an end? Maybe no one thinks that, but they sure are cool, similar to comedy shows or … idk. But what I really want them to get comfortable with is the ugh of the drudgery. Think “why am I doing this anyways” and keep the end in mind.

To put heat in the bottom without cracking glass / melting plastic, heat water in pancake cooker and set the jar in the water.

How to heat a house

Not really a science fair idea, but interesting nonetheless. Electric resistance heaters are “100%” efficient, but they're usually the least efficient form of heating. source that I'm pulling from

  1. Electricity usually??? comes from gas, coal, or other things. You're better off burning the oil directly for the heat, as the efficiency of turning it to electricity is … 30%?
  2. Heat pumps are way more efficient, like 300%?! They work in reverse of an air conditioner, “pulling” heat in from outside air and releasing it inside. Kinda cool…

Server Farm / Body Waste Heat

How would you efficiently use / dissipate the heat generated by a server farm? In particular, what's the most efficient way to provide hot (130 F) showers to people when your air temperature in the server farm only increases by say, 10 degrees F?

Try it yourself first before Googling!

My notes:

Water heating from sun/lamp is striated??

I remember swimming in Hawaii and there was a definite layer of warm water on top (about .5m?) and much colder water below. And, it wasn't gradual, it was like BAM cold. :-)

I think it's from the limited penetration depth of the IR of the light along with warmer water being more buoyant and non-mixing according to water heater experiment.

Cloud Phenomena

When water will condense into tiny droplets is governed by the Clausius Clapeyron Relation. water vapor to rain equation

Use a heat lamp on a easily evaporatable surface. Like the sun on pavement, the clouds don't seem to move much!

Bottoms are at Same Height

It's because that's where relative humidity is 100%. Any lower and the cloud droplets evaporate


Same as Washboard_effect, I think. Cool Video from MIT students!

A main study, with a cool movie demo and arXiv preprint.

Implementation in MATLAB/C!. (github)

Complicated boring paper

What are some interesting weather phenomenon?

Cloud/Rain Machine

How to cool air to condense vapor

Other people do implementations using ethyl alcohol or propanol? (for detecting muons, etc.). Use dry ice, follow

YouTube Link!

I would like to try to make rain. Move the air and alternately heat it using a hair dryer with a “cool” setting plugged into the side and cool the air rapidly with peltier coolers with heat sinks and fans on the back.

Instant cloud is similar and less expensive way. How to only create a few seed points though?!

Simulate It

Navier-stokes equation apparently is the basis for all fluid interaction. Can be sped up with stochastic rotation dynamics and smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Apparently (the animation simulator thing, similar to 3ds max except open source) has a smoke module, but is not real-time.

Steve Spangler

Great ideas from Steve Spangler.

How do you mount a plate to a speaker? It'd be cool to do the water droplet things too

Power Generation

Q: Is it really cheaper to bike to work than to drive a car? Just looking at the fuel costs for now…

Cars get at best 50mpg for steady speeds at 25 and 60 mph…Wikipedia source (probably on flat ground)

What if we add resistance? (going up a hill, powering a light bulb, etc)

Deterring Crawling Insects off of benches

Diatomaceous earth works by absorbing external oils of ants, which dries them out. Does it really cut them??

So far Tanglefoot (sticky spread…“organic”??) seems best option but wears off after a season.

Is there a non-chemical solution that “cuts” the critters? Microfiber tape inspired by gecko feet?


Long but sorta helpful Youtube video

Surface Cleaning Methods

Case study is really fatty and oily stainless steel table. Popcorn popper is similar

Washing Soda, Water, and Electrolysis?

I thought this was pretty cool:

Just requires oxygen bleach (sodium percarbonate (oxiclean)) and voltage (not sure how much, probably somewhat high). 20150813150632.pdf

Might be a useful way to clean up our food experiments and greasy areas outside.

Baking Soda and Water

Apparently autonomously un-tarnishes silver?!?!? explanation

Water being hot might help too.

Baking Soda as cleaning agent

Chem prof explanation, but quickly goes into 15 pages of “applications” that all use the same general formula on the first few pages.


Crazy Wood Splitting Axe

Crazy efficient (easy on arms and fast) way to split wood by hand for $250 using some physics and ingenuity. Not bad! Vipurkes Axe


Former pro-lifer essay. Very interesting…

After talking with Christian Boyd…

Marvin Minsky

In TED Talk

Also talks about overpopulation and stuff. Why not have 20 adults raise 30 children in parallel?

Really feels that certain solutions work well for certain types of problems. We should seek to be able to quickly classify problems as being subclasses of similar problems in order to grow our understanding.

John Wooden

Super-famous UCLA basketball coach TED Talk

Success should be knowing you made the effort to do the best of what you are capable, trying to improve the situation as it exists for you.

If social activities take precedence over the other two <school, then basketball>, then you won't have any of them!

Three Rules

  1. Never be late! Also start practices on time and end them on time.
  2. No profanity
  3. Never criticize a teammate. Let the coaches do that.


Paradox of Choice, jam experiment. Alive and well for most things, but not for others. Too simple isn't so good either. source


TED Talk by Amy Webb

Newsong Foundations Class

Very little apologetics done in this class, which was disappointing

Not Christ-controlled Christian: life is horrible. Christ-controlled Christian: life is ecstatic and joy-filled.Note: Who is doing the controlling, the Bible or the pastor interpreting the Bible?

Lots of “illustrations” that don't have justification as to why they are correct.

Why do we memorize verses when I'm not convinced that they are true or not yet?!

Tattoos on the Heart (Book)

Book describing Homeboy Ministries in East LA, which was started by a not-afraid-to-swear Catholic priest named Gregory Boyle. Ervin and Julia both did internships there and loved it.


He is very much about God loving people unconditionally and not God “making us better”


If there is a fundamental challenge within these stories, it is simply to change our lurking suspicion that some lives matter less than other lives.

our common call <from the God of the Bible> to delight in one another.

They wanted to signal to the gang members, “You are our sons/ daughters— whether we brought you into this world or not.”

We began tattoo removal because of a guy named Ramiro. A gang member , fresh out of prison , with a long record , had FUCK THE WORLD tattooed on his forehead, completely filling the space there. He told me his job search was not going so great. I’m only imagining him at McDonald’s: “Do you want fries with that?” and seeing mothers grab their kids, fleeing the store.

Businesses have come and gone at Homeboy Industries. We have had starts and stops, but anything worth doing is worth failing at.

“What’s the point,” they’d ask, “of doing good … If this <Luis getting executed by gang members> can happen to ya?”

With That Moon Language

Admit something: Everyone you see, you say to them, “Love me.”

Of course you do not do this out loud; Otherwise, Someone would call the cops.
Still though, think about this, This great pull in us to connect.
Why not become the one Who lives with a full moon in each eye
That is always saying With that sweet moon Language What every other eye in this world Is dying to Hear.

more to add from Kindle (scrape off highlights)

The Alchemist

Novel by Brazilian Guy, Paulo Coehlo

Lots of truisms that aren't necessarily true …

JUST BECAUSE IT'S IN STORY FORM DOESN'T MAKE IT TRUE Excellent introduction to the 10th anniversary. I don't totally agree, but there are some good parts


Lake: I didn't see the Narcissus because I was too busy seeing my own reflection in his eyes?!?!

Is the Alchemist advocating navel-gazing?

If I became a monster today, and decided to kill them, one by one, they would become aware only after most of the flock had been slaughtered, thought the boy. They trust me, and they’ve forgotten how to rely on their own instincts, because I lead them to nourishment.

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting,

‘The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.’” –> Shepherd enjoying the world but not forgetting about his sheep.

The tribesmen preferred the taste of battle, and the thrill of not knowing what the outcome would be; the future was already written by Allah, and what he had written was always for the good of man.

But any father would be proud of the fame achieved by one whom he had cared for as a child, and educated as he grew up.

April Diaz (Newsong)

Former pastor at Newsong. Adopted two kids from Africa. Book is “Redefining the role of a Youth Worker” that Nate recommended.

Less Wrong / LessWrong

A website for skeptics / thinkers to assemble and debate and espouse ideas on things. A few tabs I found helpful:

Luke Muehlhauser

Study Space

I like outside / sunlight and many different spaces for some reason.

Battery Charging

Lack of internet / can stay for a long time.

Headphones / Speakers

I was really impressed at the sound quality of good concert speakers. Part of me wants to really go for good sounding speakers.

Stop by Magnolia section at Best Buy on Thursday evening before 9:30PM. Specialist is Taylor who can demo the different things in the back room and explain what they are. (amplifier, speakers, wattage needed, etc)


Really great setup, learned a lot. Basically, higher wattage is better for both loud and soft (which is quite counter-intuitive to me). Pioneer and Yamaha made nice amplifiers. But you also have to have good speakers. They need dedicated woofers, not mids that are getting the woofer signal. It seems that some speaker companies tried to turn off the mids on their crossovers, which didn't make sense.

I liked Bowers and Wilkins speakers the best over the other speakers in the room.

Standard amplifier class was fine, but some brands (Denon) didn't push very much either.

Also, my Android phone didn't sound as good as her phone with audio input. Apple products tend to do well too.


Schindler's List

Me: I feel like if when I got hit by a car and wasn't wearing a helmet and my brain was permanently injured, I wouldn't be a useful member of society and wouldn't mind dying so another could take my place.
Mom: When did you start feeling this way?
Me: When I started thinking for myself and started trying to make sense of what everyone was telling me.
Mom: That's an endless cycle of meaninglessness you're getting yourself into! Ecclesiastes! sorta freakout

The lack of valuing people intrinsically is affecting every part of my life. There can be joy from a brain-dead person?

Bean Machine / Galton Board / Peg Board

Cool example of motion graphics and physics: Statistical Mechanics Paper Python Physics Simulator

Open Source Physics Demo (Javascript)

A Few Scenarios

Things seemingly not described anywhere else:

Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future

Really cool phenomena where balls dropped on a peg board produce the normal distribution. However, the probability is p and (1-p) for each peg, but p changes after each level! (not a binomial)

It would be cool to plot p as a result of the angle of attack. Also, be able to play around with the peg width and roundness and width between pegs (or size of ball).

YouTube Link!

Pretty good description from the original source, Natural Inheritance by Sir Francis Galton

Inductive Charging

My iPhone isn't accepting a charge over the cable anymore >.< However, it still works fine! So, might be good to buy a Palm Touchstone and somehow slip it into the back of the iPhone. or Qi looks like a good option

Plant Stuff

Talking with Andrew today during lunch (June 4 2014) was very interesting.

Some things are permanent, like Sarin Gas (permanently blocks oxygen reception in lungs), whereas others are more temporary (like caffeine, etc.). So, how “good” or “bad” something is depends on the effects and how long they last.

For a flower or flowers, adding colloidal silver makes the flowers last almost forever because something like <the receptor that tells it to turn off is blocked by the silver>. He bonds orange and apple plants together, and recommends doing hydroponics and leaving the light on for maximum growth.

Also, we still don't know the full effects of genetic modification, but the DDT issue is way overblown and in most cases we are 99.99% sure what certain genes “do” when manipulated. Monsanto is merely speeding up and directly manipulating the processes that selective breeding would bit-flip anyways.

Washing Dishes

Do I really have to wash my oatmeal bowl each time? If I boil it each time, isn't that enough?


Things in less than boiling water for 15-30 seconds is enough to kill bacteria, so boiling water for 1 minute should be good. Good to go! Now…just to get rid of the potential stale/moldy flavor :-)

Speaking of Oatmeal

It's really hard to find a long lasting bowl good for reheating things at work. (I can't find the name, but you can find the same style at most goodwill stores) . Look around and find it at Goodwill again? An alternative would be a $45 one on etsy…

Music Transcription / Practice

Trying Denemo for now, MuseScore is another option.


Despite what they say, I still like the ability to quantize an input. (I am comfortable with playing in time)

Natural Language Computing

I really like Christopher Manning!

Coursera Class

Great so far. Lecture videos. You can watch / “preview” the class videos even if the course isn't being offered.

Stanford Engineering Everywhere courses look really good. Try to get copies of videos? Look at videos on Youtube.

Betty is one example. From the links on that page are a Sorta open-source speech interface but NLP engine on Github and Firefox's Ubiquity, browser extension. Another option is



their nountypes, Command Writing tutorial (updated).


Viv is a recent startup by the founders of Siri. The infographic is a great example of the complexity of just a simple request.

It'd be nice to have the computer do stemming / thesaurus lookup automatically when comparing things.

Auditory Condition Monitoring

Someone retired from the Navy told me there's basically a few people in charge of making sure that the engine on a submarine sounds right, and that it very easily could be automated for long-term analysis. It looks like there's a wikipedia page on it! Condition_Monitoring

I could use something for my bike / car, where you upload a sound clip recorded with a piezo mic or a clip microphone or just recording from your smartphone and it would use machine learning to detect what the issue is. What's the market?


Currency Arbitrage

For an interview question with Priceonomics. Nate wants to do it on real Forex Data. Other sources of finance data

* Recomputing when an edge has changed value. CSTheory StackExchange


If we need ir camera, then we might be able to print small enough. Now need control on that substrate. Hmmm…

We need occupancy detection. Face detection in a low light situation might be good enough too.

A big value sell will be HVAC for zones in the home. Easy purchase w/ central AC.

I realize that I want to sell real needs, but not perceived needs/wants that aren't actual needs. Well, some people just like the light turning on automatically! Or their car to look nice!

Occupancy Detection

Ask Pete what his use cases are…

Pyramid Algorithm

Start simple. 2 regions.

foo 123
123 123

Whoops, turns out for 1×1 sensor, you still have to sample each end pixel! Even the 1-pixel camera guys only reduced it by …. 1/3 I think with compressed sensing.

Microscanning / subpixel / Superresolution

Or, how to turn an 8×8 panasonic sensor into a higher resolution one by scanning it and trying to deconvolve the averaging done by each higher-level pixel…


Hobby servos are ok, but not accurate??

Other people put optical encoders onto the drive shafts of geared DC motors like Sparkfun. Problem is, theirs is still 500 steps per revolution, or about the same accuracy.

So…geared stepper motors at 500:1 ($5!!) with microstepping (max 8 or 16 steps) should net enough.

Might want to gear down a stepper motor

Better methods (recommends Richardson Lucy deconvolution for noise robustness). Implemented pretty well with scikit-image

For the simple case of averaging, why doesn't Richardson Lucy work that well? Anyways, writing down notes so I can finish the IT band article.

“When you estimate the blur kernel make sure you impose symmetric constraints and the fact that the summation of all values in the blur kernel is equal to 1”

Convolution in Time Domain

Unfortunately sympy doesn't do variable elimination! Like, x+y = z, y+b=z, solve for x but get rid of z. Mathematica does it though… Particularly this old paper:


Can you tell the difference between bipedal (human) and quadripedal (pet) motion in a passive infrared motion sensor? Most don't do it using DSP, but it'd be a nice timeseries machine learning problem.

Simpler problem, can you tell when someone moves in bed at night? Python + OpenCV solution


Is there a living human being in the room?

Near-infrared (the camera hacks removing the infrared filter) won't capture long and medium wave IR as the sensor design is thicker?? not sure. FLIR ones are pretty cheap nowadays though, ~$250 on amazon. or sparkfun

Forks Over Knives

The main study that they reference where rats didn't get as much cancer because they didn't eat casein, it was because the rats died sooner. From Anthony Colpo, who seems to be a pretty reasonable chap but frustrated with the lack of questioning occurring in the world today –> making him a pretty mad chap.

* Also see (and summarize)

Power Usage

Trains vs Trucks


“God wasn't offended that I was angry at God.” – John Marc McMillan, referencing the death of his friend that prompted him writing “How He Loves”

Rebecca Lujan Loveless

I wonder when she changed her name. She led the workshop at Newsong….forgot the name……Dignity Serves. Gotta import that from Mediawiki…

>World Vision had a unique opportunity to admit how critical this conversation actually is. They could have offered us tears of humility to admit that while they didn't have all the answers, the LGBT community and the hungry children of the world deserve that we give our deepest love and care towards matters in which we disagree. That no one deserves to be objectified and turned into a lifeless pawn that proves why our agendas are better than theirs. Be it a Gay Christian or a little girl from Zambia, they are our global brothers and sisters, our daughters and sons, our mothers and fathers. They are people who are worthy of respect and their dignity should never, ever be subjugated to our inability to love one another in the face of painful disagreements….

I thirst for a remnant of critical thinkers to rise up and forge new paths of dignified service, filled with compassion and overflowing with humility. I hunger to be a part of a culture that participates in this critical thinking, where we challenge each other to thoughtfully evaluate how we help others. I know that we are out there, on the margins, perhaps with sour looks on our faces or even worse, weeping in the shadows.
But the wind is singing a new song and it sounds like a revolution being birthed in the hearts of those of us saying we want to do things better than we have. Being discontent with how things have always been done is not cynicism. Standing up to unhealthy, undignified or unethical practices does not make us bitter or hateful people. Asking tough questions and expecting truthful answers from the organizations we support does not make us angry or resentful people.
It makes us people of justice. It makes us people of wisdom. It makes us people of love. –from World Vision and the Winds of Change (WV's policy to allow homosexual marriage, but then rescinded it in 48 hours after large backlash)

Also another article on depression.

Prayer / Meditation

How different is prayer than meditation? A worldly perspective on meditation in:

How to Read A Book

Getting Computers to Help

Syntax Highlighting for Reading

It'd be really nice for a computer to highlight key assertions and parts of sentences to help me read easier. It'll be a work in progress as I learn how to read.

Fun Games

Web Interaction

Three.js, O'Reilly book on D3

Recording Skype

The previous program I used died 1.5 hours in. >.< Try: or JACK next time.

Hillsong I Heart Revolution Movie

A really thought-provoking movie. Amazon DVD. One review on Amazon feels they go humanism-ish. Hmm…

What if the human race…isn't a race at all?

* Hehe…I see what you did there!


Very motivating essay by Dorothy Sayers. The Lost Tools of Learning

And a respectable redirection by Hillsdale college Terrence Moore:

Heritage Christian School

The high school my older brother attended. Heritage_Christian_School_(Oregon). Apparently they really felt the Trivium was important!

Naturlism Debate

This looks to be a very good debate


It probably explains how the founding fathers managed to carve a nation out of 13 squabbling colonies. And let’s face it: Our culture has lost the ability to usefully disagree. Most Americans seem to avoid argument. But this has produced passive aggression and groupthink in the office, red and blue states, and families unable to discuss things as simple as what to watch on television. Rhetoric doesn’t turn kids into back-sassers; it makes them think about other points of view. –Jay Heinrichs, blog post and great looking book.

* How does he focus his life energy on a specific topic and write a book? Wow… Great PDF of all the rhetological fallacies

Social Thinking

From a negative review of the book:

With all my knowledge that I posses, you would think I should have reached it already. No. I am still an alien. I am still disconnected. I can mimic neurotypicals and appear to belong but my inside is weeping… I am reminded that the way I think and feel is wrong. Among neurotypicals I feel like I am bad and unacceptable. I felt like a bad person for 27 years because I saw the world differently. Then I discovered there is a whole community of people who think the same. Among self confident autistic people (the ones who accept themselves and don't think that they are only ok when they act “normal”) I feel good. In ASD community I feel the sense of belonging.

Machine Learning





Foaming soap

Bar soap + boiling water = liquid soap

Liquid soap + water = foaming soap?

How about foaming soap back into liquid soap?

Generally people dilute Dr. Bronner's liquid soap in a bunch of water, but I feel you can do the same with hand soap too.

The problem with diluting liquid soap (it's actually surfactant, not soap but that's a whole other topic) as has been suggested in this thread is that you also dilute the amount of preservatives in the liquid soap. You basically end up with something that bacteria would find quite hospitable.

Further, bar soap doesn't have preservatives (it doesn't need it) so when you make a liquid from it you are also asking for all sorts of growth.

Source: I spent two very boring years doing R&D at a cleaning supply company.


Accelerometer Alarm

Grammar Checker

Music Generation

Wiki Wishes


Bugs in Bed

"Superman" Mode for viewing clouds

Tips for Frugal Living


Microsoft Equation Editor Tips

* Latest idea in a long iteration (simplest is best I think) * Write a Chrome Extension that iterates through all of the tabs, gets the links, and displays them in a selectable form. Then stick them into Dokuwiki for later searching. * Mmmmm, I'm mostly just lazy! Ahah! * Helpful pages (Iterating through tabs in Chrome) * Somewhat similar to Gimmebar * Someone wrote an XML-RPC extension for Chrome already: Dokuwiki has a similar API to Wordpress. * Also I was thinking of scraping things with OCR. Turns out there's an open-source tool called Tesseract that Google is working with! I can try online:

Jam with Chrome

Creative Filming

Ground Speed

Color Changing Octopus is Awesome

YouTube Link!

Diffraction (Light Bending?)

Kinect Presentation

Free Courses


Aligning and Straightening Back

Excellent Reddit post on why we do certain exercises. Summary of all of them on page 4-6 here



Real-Time MRI

Engineer in Shenzen


Mobile Computer Stand

Mobile for putting away easily. Monitor at standing height. Use laptop for keyboard, unless you have a better keyboard idea.

Ergo guy at Intel

?400 (put your hands on it) for keyboard and mouse? I wonder if it's more ergonomic after all. Maybe get frosted version too.

Mouse should fit your hand. I have big hands (8“ from base of hand to tip of middle finger by one measure), so I should be able to rest my whole hand on the mouse and let it support me.

Static height + stool chair or adjustable height + normal chair. Decisions decisions…

Ergonomics Manual

Excellent! But more big stuff and not mouse stuff. 16-ergonomics_manual_dan_macleod_english_only.pdf

A further resource might be his more technical work here

My current setup includes “TV” prism glasses (a Bauernfeind_prism that changes direction of light 60 degrees) that allow me to lie down and not sit for long periods of time. However, in the long term, I might have symptoms similar to people on Bed_rest (less circulation, etc).

9aad_12.jpg li_cap_p_20041223_040_d.jpg

Seat Pan Contours - Half body weight is supported by an 8% area under the “seat bones” (ischial tuberosities). If the seat is hard and flat the pressures can be 85-100 p.s.i. Seat contouring and cushioning can be used to distribute pressure over a larger area and rotate the pelvis forward the promote better posture.

Seat Cushioning - recommended thickness at 1.5-2”. Cushion should be firmer in back and thicker while less firm and thinner at front. Too much cushioning can cause the body to sink into a chair constraining movement. A soft chair may be comfortable at first, but as the body sinks blood circulation lowers, skin temperature rises in affected areas, and compression under thighs increases. These factors combine to increase discomfort.

Cushion Compressibility - Compressibility is termed indentation load deflection (ILD) or indentation force deflections (IFD). An ideal combination is a soft top layer (25% ILD) over a firm bottom layer (65% ILD). Increased ratios between the two, greater than 2.6, leads to better quality support.




Noise Cancelling

Coffee Joulies

Recreating Doc Edgerton's Machine

You need either a solenoid or a speaker to “vibrate” the water out at a consistent rate. Mel Siegel states 1/f noise will push through regardless…

Other people to contact

I did something similar about 5-6 years ago. I started with a prototype using a 556 dual timer to check the concept and then built a final version using a PIC driving an LCD display and a single 5W LED. I built my strobe for a microscope illuminator so that I could observe the motion of the cilia of microorganisms. I controlled the flash period using a rotary encoder and it was settable between 1/5 sec and 1/256 sec in one continuous range which would display on the LCD. The flash duration was settable from about 5 to 250 uS. I drove 15A current spikes through the LED (5W LEDs can handle it as long as you keep the duty cycle low). It was really surprising what could be seen using the strobe. Cilia that normally move too fast to be seen became clear as day and one could see patterns in their motion like the wave-like pattern you can see in centipede's legs when they are moving fast. Really amazing when you consider that a single-celled organism has no nervous system to coordinate the motion.

Way cool, visualize cilia?!

Clapper Light Switch

Human-Computer Interaction

Floating Light-Up Lightbulb

Askew! Game

Cornell Cup Intel Competition

Face Recognition and Face Projection

Spirograph Clock

OCZ NIA (Brain Control)

Accurate Persistence of Vision using an Accelerometer

Kinect for Good

Medical Surgery


Music Transcription

Motion Encoding from Optical Mouse

Diffuse Strip Light

A popular way to do it is LED strips with leds close together, then apply Tube Surface Extrusion over top of it.

Check out Ellumiglow in Portland to see brightness of EL strip and laser / led easier?

How the “LED Neon” thingys achieve diffusion. However, if you use a higher led density, it's possible to not need the depth.

Think about it some more. Might not even be necessary for biking.

If you do do it and want individually addressable ones, Adafruit ones are good. Also can drive <a short strip> with a small, cheap ATTiny:

Bike rim: Haha, they're just using the cheap silicone things with UV leds instead!

Way better is these guys I think. Hot glue for water proofness, nice! YouTube Link!


= Switching Regulators =

A recommended voltage regulator: $15, handles 20A, and selectable voltage output. Nice way to use those batteries you have lying around.

Another one might be this LM2596 6-pack for $12 on amazon.

Glow paint


Two options, older zinc sulphide, dies within 2-10 seconds. Newer stuff (strontium aluminate) is apparently way brighter and 10X more expensive


Apparently exterior latex paint lasts the longest against wear and tear of plastic decoys.

Plastic Sheet

Can buy at Multicraft plastics or TAP plastics. Explain your goal (wheel sized tron cycle thing), and maybe they have some scraps too. A giant sheet probably isn't $30, more like $70. Have to go and see isn't so bad though, might as well just buy it. Make sure you get one that'll work good.

YouTube Link!

Electroluminescent (EL) Wire

RGB LED Light Chain

Hard Drive Clock