Table of Contents


I'm really liking this tool….very interactive, although not quite as good as Bret Victor.

He excels at coming up with simple heuristics that give rise to the desired macro behavior with very few lines of code for the heuristics.

Alan Kay's Squeak Etoys software is a great virtual environment for playing around with things, although some say is limited? Seems you can work in a 3D interactive environment too, called Open Cobalt, and demoed really well by Kay here.


Demo Video

Timestamps from Heidelberg Lecture Video. Most demos are in etoys too and documented in rn2007006a_olpc.pdf

Ant Pheremone

37:45. How is it only 5 rules???!?! >.<

If I have no food and at perfume
  Then follow perfume
If I have no food and at food
  Then pickup food, goto nest
If I'm going to nest then drop perfume
If I have food and at nest
  Then drop food, stop going to nest
If otherwise then wander

Particle Motion

“All particles rotate in a random direction and walk one step.” (from code)

Kay: “We are dispensing with the apparatus of mathematics that was used before computers. That's why children are able to do this. You don't need a differential equation<Brownian Motion to do this, you can just act it out”

Spread of Infection Diffusion Gravity
29:30. Touch = Infected. COOL PLOT! AIDS doesn't act fast (so administrators tend to forget about it), but everyone still dies, just the time constant is longer!
38:00 Add gravity in…

Text Alignment

Source doc is m2010002_lobjects.pdf, but interactive at 40:08 and rules below:

If I have no before
  then goto upper left
If I have a before
  then goto before's right side
If I am at before's right side and am right of margin
  then tell my before
If I'm told and can move then start newline
  otherwise tell my before

Bridge Simulation

16:30. Kay says all forces on a joint equal 0. Mmmm, because the joint isn't moving, right! He even extended it to 3D.