Table of Contents

Tips on People

External Appearances

<summary from talking with Terry / brother Nick >

Affirmative Action

Glenn's opinion is that, if there's a not 50-50% percentage of women in engineering, for example, maybe it's not because there's a big bad explicit conspiracy against women? What justification do they have for the 50% figure?

Seeing yourself from a different perspective

Lame one is webcam

Use your phone as an IP camera and view it on a mobile laptop


Lunch / Friends

One of the downsides of random asks of “May I sit next to you?” is that if you aren't as interested in talking with them afterwards, you have to awkwardly walk past them later on your way to talk with someone else. How to “fix” this?

Make friends at work


Jeff, Hallie, Macy, Braden, Avery
Whitney, “ ”, and “ ”
Levi, Amy, Eisley, Finley
Neill, Autumn, Noel
Shannon, “ ”, Estrella, Addison



The point of standups isn't to take notes, it's to solve problems!

What Are Friends For?


Fitness Lady: You should stretch twice a day!
Uninformed Dude: Why?
FL: Because it's good for you!
UD: Why is it good for me?
FL: You feel good!
UD: No I don't! It hurts and is pointless!
FL: Try exercising beforehand, then it'll burn and feel really good!
UD: Uhhh, so you want me to exercise twice a day so I feel horrible the next day? Are you in your right mind? I'm better off feeling awesome killing aliens on the computer!
FL: You make no sense!
UD: *You* make no sense!
FL: Humph. Well I can't help you then! Enjoy your couch surfing life buddy!
UD: I'd rather have fun than be buff like dumb jocks! Sayonara!
Fitness Lady: You should stretch twice a day!
Uninformed but Smart Dude: Ok, cool. What are some of the benefits of stretching?
FL: Hmmm, it helps you avoid muscle strain when doing intense activities and it further strains your muscles so that they heal properly. But, you shouldn't stretch without exercise, that's kind of pointless!
USD: Oh, weird! Wait, why is it pointless? 
FL: Your muscles aren't able to stretch to their full potential and break their connections. For some reason, exercising beforehand helps them. 
USD: Ok, interesting. I should read more on Wikipedia about it. But, how much exercise should I do?
FL: I like exercising all the time!
USD:, why is that?
FL: I feel great during and afterwards, even though I'm tired. Plus I have to for my job!
USD: Sounds helpful. But what if it isn't your job? I feel great doing other things too!
FL: Well, you have to take it seriously if you want any results! <she's the only one in the room with skinny pants and a tighter shirt> 
USD: ...
USD: <what's a good question here?> <Hopefully FL will try to answer> 
USD: <he's trying to get at the answer to: How much benefit will I get from exercising / stretching relative to other activities like playing video games or surfing>
FL: <she seems pretty clueless as to why people don't want to look all trim. Plus she hasn't really studied body exercise from a brain exerciser's perspective, she's only needed to know it body exercise from the fact that it keeps her employed and less looked down upon than fat people!>


Strengthsfinder 2.0


Reading through book. Interesting thoughts:

Gifts are not focus or discipline. I would sort of agree with that, but also agree too.


gallupreport.pdf and Skip's theme response. He noticed that I didn't catch the main crux of what he was saying when he talked with me. Directions, mostly.

Strongly Describes Me	 	Neutral	 	Strongly Describes Me
I organize ... I analyze. //Same thing?!!//

I relate to others better when I find their weakness.		I can relate to others better when I know their goal

I like to listen, only when something good is being said. Otherwise, don't care.

I like to talk.		I like to think. //Both and//

When going gets tough, I can only trust myself. Can't trust others.....

I don't really want friends right now. I want good sources of information.

I have a bad sense of money. Generous, yet also thrifty.

I just don't think it's that important to give out praise...yet!

I enjoy philosophical discussions.		I enjoy goal-setting conferences.

I visualize the future.		I understand what caused the present circumstances.

Don't like athletic events!

Hat being controllled ... avoid feelings of emptiness!??!

I stengthen more than encourage.

Do I steal?!?! >-<

I seem to always have some discontentment with life.

It is easy for me to start new tasks.		My problem is getting projects finished. //Same thing??//

Want to switch projects often. 1 hour max for deep focus.

I prefer intellectual conversations ... I prefer sports?!?! (what about dance, other activiteis etc.)

love to read.		I like to figure out how things work. //Same thing//

My mind is always going .. I need to be physically active.

Lectures ... discussion groups //>.<//

never stop absorbing information.		I have a gift for simplifying complexities

5 hours alone thinking ...  meet with people. //Depends!//

I don't have Focus or Discipline talents :-|

**Deadlines are interesting motivators**. You basically can't trust yourself to get it done on time.

When the going gets hard, I really only trust myself right now. Maybe because I have few people that I actually trust around me.

Why the split of two? Some are neither, some are both for me.

Random Notes for now