Table of Contents

Programming with Matlab

> I get results similar to At my old work (2012-2013) it skipped running the JIT compiler on the entire script-only (no parameter passing, all global variables, but several for-loop sections) codebase just because I added one top-level function call that passed in a string. 10X slower, if not more. Nowhere was this documented or indicated in the profiler, which was really frustrating. My boss and I were astonished and then switched to Python/Numpy for further algorithm development since we had a lot of work to do and needed OOP and speed.

General Beginner Tips

More advanced tricks

%Set value at many index pairs in matrix
a = zeros(3,3);
rows = [1 2 3];
cols = [3 1 2];
a(sub2ind(size(a),rows,cols)) = [1 2 3]
%Moving average for large N
y = cumsum(x)/N;
y(N+1:end) = y(N+1:end) - y(1:end-N);


a = [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9];
b = rand(3,3);
c = rand(3,3);

%Burps on legend

%Reshaping to vectors fixes it

Batch Processing in MATLAB

Making an accurate FFT

Mouse Coords

a = axes;

Optimizing Speed

Fixing Slow Startup Speeds