Table of Contents


List of pretty funny debugging sessions from Hacker News, includes real-life tron :-)


Ryan recommended Linux Kernel Development by Robert Love as a good intro to the kernel.


System Tracing and Profiling

Dan Luu article, references Dick Sites, who wrote XRay, which is getting integrated into LLVM.,, by Dean Berris.


Don't settle for anything less than Pin. (instruction level pretty low overhead tracing). There are several extensions that enable reverse debugging and other cool stuff too, documented on the top bar of Pin website.

Has 2 tools, performance counters that are set by hardware (but aren't program specific), and VTune which is another profiler.


Xperf is helped by UIForETW apparently.

Very Sleepy looks like a nice non-intrusive option to for program-level profiling.


OS X Instruments supposedly works well crashes. DTrace works much better. I am currently messing with iosnoop to figure out slow bootup. Restarting OS X seems to help a lot!

Common Code Bugs (with suggested fixes)

Slow File I/O

(use glances in Linux)


In my case, it turned out to be a 3rd party (Viewfinity) IT-managed file driver that is causing massive IO overheads and causing file accesses to slow down over time. Windows Performance Toolkit is awesome. Here's how I figured it out:

At this point, it's time to pull out the big guns.

Windows Performance Analysis Toolkit

Install the Windows Performance Toolkit. Also install the Mini-Filter Hotfix to allow you to analyze mini-filters (scripts like anti-virus or encryption tools that have hooks into low-level IO calls in Windows that happen to be invisible to Task Manager / Process Explorer).

Run WPRUI.exe

This is the ideal method. If it's file IO stuff, be sure to enable minifilter analysis underneath Scenario Analysis. It can take up to a minute to get started recording.

However, it wasn't recording minifilter analysis even though I had checked the box… Use xperf below for now :-(

Run Xperf.exe (command line)

The old way to do it, where you had to know all the flags yourself. This one worked when I ran it to collect minifilter data. (from here)

XPERF -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+FLT_IO_INIT+FLT_IO+FLT_FASTIO+FLT_IO_FAILURE+FILENAME+FILE_IO+FILE_IO_INIT+DISK_IO+HARD_FAULTS+DPC+INTERRUPT+CSWITCH+PROFILE+DRIVERS+DISPATCHER -stackwalk MiniFilterPreOpInit+MiniFilterPostOpInit+CSWITCH+PROFILE+ThreadCreate+ReadyThread+DiskReadInit+DiskWriteInit+DiskFlushInit+FileCreate+FileCleanup+FileClose+FileRead+FileWrite -BufferSize 1024 -MaxBuffers 1024 -MaxFile 1024 -FileMode Circular 

Then run the following to stop collecting data and write it out to a file:

xperf -d mytrace.etl

Then load up wpa.exe to look at your trace file! In my case, I needed to analyze why my file I/O counts was decreasing over time (the graph in the bottom left). I suspected it was something even lower-level, and it sounded like mini-filters were the issue. After opening the mini-filter delays tab and clicking on Show Table and Graph in the top right (1 in the picture), I was able to see that over a 70-second test (perl, python), vfdrv.sys was taking up 800 seconds of time (~50 seconds per core) leaving the remaining 20 seconds for computation or the actual file reading (at least I think this is the case, I could be wrong). vfdrv.sys was the Viewfinity IT administration toolkit, which didn't seem that important.


Once I disabled vfdrv.sys from loading on boot (by renaming the file), THE COMPUTER WAS AMAZING. I'm waiting to hear back from IT on the bug, I'll post more info here.

The Windows Performance Toolkit is awesome, and I didn't even know it existed until a few days ago. I'm looking forward to using it again in the future.


An optimization/debugging engineer working at Valve. His blog has excellent posts on this sort of intense Xperf stuff, including a bug with a Western Digital external drive and behind-the-scenes CPU throttling due to heat

Set cores to number of cores on your machine.

use POSIX;
# Turn on autoflush
$cores = 7; #Number of cores on your machine - 1
$numbersPerFile = 25000;
$filesPerFolder = 1000;
$totalFolders = 60;
$directory = 'C:\IOTest_perl';
if (-d $directory) {
	$writing = 'F';
} else {
	$writing = 'T';
sub function {
	foreach $folder (@_){
		$subfolder = $directory . "\\" . $folder;
		if ($writing eq 'T') {
		print $folder . ' ';
		for($file = 1; $file < $filesPerFolder; $file++) {
			$filepath = $subfolder . '\\' . $file . '.txt';
			if ($writing eq 'T') {
				open FILE, ">$filepath" or die $!; 
				$x = $folder*$file;
				$csv = join(',',($x .. $x + $numbersPerFile));
				print FILE $csv; 
			if ($writing eq 'F') {
				open (FILE, "<", $filepath) or die $!;
				while ($line = <FILE>){
					chomp $line;
					$sum = 0;
					foreach $val (split(',', $line)) {
						$sum += $val;
					# print $sum
			close FILE;
@processes = (1 .. $cores);
foreach my $core (@processes) {
	my $pid;
	next if $pid = fork; # Parent goes to next core
	die "fork failed: $!" unless defined $pid;
	# Do child stuff
	@folders = ();
	for (my $i = $core-1; $i <= $totalFolders; $i += $cores) {
while (wait() != -1);
print 'All done!';