Table of Contents


Talk with FIRST Robotics students

Some nice stories on how student loan and other debt feels:

Video by Marty Nemko

YouTube Link!

Don't Go Back To School

A Handbook for Learning Anything

UnCollege Founder Dale Stephens' book.


Instead of haphazardly stumbling down your dorm hallway, you'll learn how to create intentional communities based on common values. (in your community!)

I wonder how well their arguments hold for really difficult topics, say mathematics / physics. For now I think the biggest benefit of college is being able to talk to a professor during office hours / meet with other students, which they rebut above.

College Conspiracy


A Scholar's Lament

Graduation 2013

I've been thinking through this today, trying to figure out what to say. I can't fully describe it yet, but I have one of the worst kinds of regret.
I slaved over exams and long problem sets, kept my time close to my chest for some knowledge and sleep that I thought would prove to be the best.
I have settled for numerous “hello's” in the hall, and sometimes even avoiding you so that I wouldn't have to face my failure and fall.
It's easy to blame others for this transformation: my professors, the homework, the whole broken creation.
But, in the end, it was an awkward decision.
Although I attempted to reconcile to you in my head, I never once asked if you wanted to be fed.
There are many more thoughts that I wish to say here, but I must end soon and wipe away these tears.
Please help me to be less a machine and more a person, one with emotions, feelings, and cares for the next door man and woman.
Gently remind me of this in the dance called friendship, and I will quickly move to make things right once again.
Let us not be merely faces in some book that's online, but rather friends in all spaces, a relationship that's built tough over time.

How Do I Pay For It?

Local Scholarships

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