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CMU Notes

Cool Classes I Might Take

Ray Yun Recommendations for Design/Art

Hey, Nolan. Here are the courses that you might be interested in. Check these out. Probably, you may like prof. Eric Paulos(environmental,green technology), Scott Hudson, Anind Dey(Ubi- Comp), Golan Levin(Interactive Art), Jason Hong… etc.. If you have any question on this(HCII,Computational Design,Interactive Art stuff) or anything I can help, let me know.

The Bottom two are provided on Fall.

Susan Finger Recommendations for Rapid Prototyping


Check the following faculty to see what they are offering. They all use rapid prototyping in their courses.

Capstone Ideas

ECE IMB (5th Year) Master's Program


48 + 12 units of ECE/CS Grad Classes < 12 units Undergrad Classes 15 Grad Project Units
Adv. DSP
Patt Rec.
Distributed Embedded Systems
Applied Stochastic Processing
Comp. Vision
No paper req'd

Classes I Liked

Fall 2011
Breadth: 15-211: Algorithms
Depth: 18-491 Fundamentals of Signal Processing (DSP). Syllabus, Oppenheim 3rd preferred over 2nd, Lyons (easier) book
Elective: Intro to Music Technology
M.S.: 18-794 – Pattern Recognition Theory
M.S.: Neural Signal Processing (not sure if I can take in Spring though…)
Audit Machine Learning for Signal Processing class?
Drop into 18-342? Principles of Embedded Systems (ARM)
Spring 2012 (tenative…and a bit ambitious I might add)
NEED TO TAKE ANOTHER MUSIC CLASS (Electronic and Computer Music?)
Capstone: 18-551 Digital Communication and Signal Processing Systems Design (Spring 2012)
Elective: 15-385 Computer Vision (spring only), or take as Grad credit…
M.S.: Machine Learning
Coverage/Elective: 18-474 Embedded Control Systems
Coverage/Elective: 18-348 Embedded Systems Engineering (Koopman)
Sound Editing and Mastering (6 units)
Fall 2012?
M.S.: 18-649 Distributed Embedded Systems, work in teams (Koopman)
Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Basic/or not? Harmony I or II (you will get a link to placement test if you sign up)
Design Class that Jason Choi recommended
Stochastic Signal Processing (recommended by Alex Holland), you have some books too
Spring 2013
39-245 Rapid Prototyping
16-745 Dynamic Optimization (Chris Atkeson), saw poster about it
16-720 Computer Vision grad class, hard but really good
Neural Signal Processing ?

Suyog's Course Suggestions

Andrew's Course Suggestions

Other suggestions

Classes & Courses I Want To Take

Good Courses That Don't Work Yet

Required Courses to still take

Topics that sound cool

The Kalman Filter: Introduction to Concepts by Maybeck

Fall 2011

Eventual Classes

* 18-493 Electroacoustics (Fall 2011)

* 18-496 Introduction to Biomedical Imaging and Image Analysis (Fall 2011)

18-447 Introduction to Computer Architecture(Spring 2012?)

18-794 – Pattern Recognition Theory (Spring 2011…2012?). Heard good things about this class. Taught by Mario Savvides. Demo at end of semester?


Capstone: 18-551 Digital Communication and Signal Processing Systems Design (Spring 2012)

The reason Machine Learning has 211 as a pre-req is because you’re dealing with pruning a lot of trees, etc. It’d be a fun class, I think, but a lot of CS work that relies on 15-121 skills.

27 units of Music Technology

NOTE: 2 6-unit classes = 1 9-unit class

Fun Classes

Sound Stuff

Random Notes
