Table of Contents

Plotting scripts

from Tkinter import *
import math
import time
import serial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import timeit
import re
timeOrig = time.time()/60.0
temperature = []
dew_point = []
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel('Time (min)')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
line1 = ax.plot(x,temperature,'ro-')[0]
ax.set_ylabel('Temperature F', color='r')
line2 = ax2.plot(x,dew_point,'bo-')[0]
ax2.set_ylabel('Dew Point F', color='b')
#ax.grid(True, which='both')
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)  # open serial port, 9600
root = Tk()
clock = Label(root, font=('times', 80, 'bold'), fg='white', bg='green')
clock.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
f = "[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*"
	line = ser.readline()
	floats ='Temp: (' + f + ') RH: (' + f + ') DP: (' + f + ')',line)
	print line
	if not floats:
		print "no floats found"
	temp = float(
	rh = float(
	dp = float(
	x.append(time.time()/60.0 - timeOrig)
	#y[3] = math.sin(time.clock())
	print x
	print temperature
	print dew_point
	#plt.legend([line1,line2],['Temperature', 'Dew Point'],'upper left',ncol=1)

Service Manual on HVAC


Chevy Spark EV forum answer

I'll list where I'm at right now after talking with the dealer. Nothing is physically wrong with the car. Some answers and some remaining wonderings.

One should avoid using the AC system for defrosting the windshield/cabin because, while it “dehumidifies” really well, current AC evaporator designs can “hold” a lot of water before the condensed water starts to drip into the drain tube. Just google “condensation” to see what I mean. There's some more optimization that can be done in this space though...

So if you choose or unknowingly use the AC, all that water is still sitting there in your dash. In my and <I think> amphibious' case, we stopped at work or at home and let it sit. It will evaporate somewhat and tend to condense on the windshield on a cold night. This is maybe due to the proximity to the evaporation, but I think it's partially because the windshield has an angle and the other windows on the Spark are vertical. I have noticed that the windshield condensation generally doesn't occur in the region covered by the windshield wiper, telling me that the temperature transfer is helped with dew.

How to get rid of the contained moisture? Pulling in less humid air from outside will do the trick (and is what GM assumes generally), but on a day like today in Portland where it's raining and 95% humidity all day … it appears you have 2 options: * If you're driving, don't try… just keep the cabin cold so that condensation doesn't happen. * If not driving, turn up the heat and recirc to absorb as much moisture as possible (lots of internal fogging if outside is cool) and then crack windows to let it out.

Not sure why I don't notice the overnight windshield condensation on gasoline cars as much yet. Possible suspect is residual engine heat, of course…

Hope this helps! :)

EDIT: amphibious, if this fixes your issue, can you edit your top post to include a summary and a link to this post so people can find it a little easier? Thanks!

Email to Schrodinger's Box

Want to make a video explaining climate control in cabin / finding leaks? My problem was the windshield having moisture similar to a leaky car, but only on cold nights.

Main points:

Anyways, just hoping to transfer the knowledge somewhere on the internet. Thanks for all your videos, they are really helpful and appreciated!


Rained a bunch today and was warm. It condensed on all the windows this time, although it seemed the most on the windshield.

Measured when it started condensing when it sat at home for a while. <INSERT FUNKY PHOTOS HERE>

Time, location Temp RH DP
Spark back seat, 9:18PM 48.0 81% 42
Spark dash 9:23 PM 47.4 82.1% 42
Spark right next to condensation in corner 46.2 90.2% 43
Fusion front seat 9:39PM 49.3 79.7% 43
Fusion back window, starting to condense too 44.6 88.6% 40
Outside 9:58PM 46.11 85.7% 42

Better experiments

I still feel like there is some leak in the front. Meh. More experiments:

Independent variables Experimental Results Conclusion
Angle of surface Vertical windows get less condensation, if any What if potential leak is near front? None yet
Dew as necessary conductor * Try spraying water with spray bottle?
Not really done yet, but windshield wiper catching dew instead of outside of windshield was shown to prevent condensation on inside of <bottom of> windshield
Mmm, idk
Air filter preventing air flow Taking it out seems to help, but too correlated with other variables TODO
Leak in windshield / car, rain necessary for problem to reproduce Try turning on heater in car, do without “rain” added and with rain added * Need to check dew point before condensation starts occurring
Post-condensation Spark had similar dew point throughout car and was same dew point as Fusion. No duh m(
Human moisture from inside of car
Lack of latent heat from gas engine, provide a longer time for moist air to exchange without condensing Tricky …

Sensor test

Faster sampling??

Doesn't help. Temperature changed 5 degrees without sampling at all! Also, rate of change didn't change.

Response time??

Outside is 38F and DP of 34F.

Time Action
0 recirc mode, no heating
14 Fresh air mode, no heating
Dew point settles out to new equilibrium as there's not enough input air to force all the moisture out very quickly
20 Open doors all doors except sensor
22.5 Open car door where sensor is at, sensor is basically outside.
Shaking sensor doesn't help cool it off quicker
24 Mistakenly breathed on sensor\\Great response time! Way better response for DP than temperature though
26 Brought sensor inside house
Took about 1 minute for DP to settle, and 5 for temperature to settle. Probably a predictable time constant you can use to predict after a few samples

It takes surprisingly long for the sensor to come to a stable temperature reading. But the response time is really good?!?!

Water Leakage test

With sufficient dry heat in the vehicle (can use hair dryer, >70F is probably good enough), then put a fan in the car pointed at the different regions with a sensor nearby and see if spraying on the outside registers a change.

In this case, I used the recirculate + face vents on the car, which isn't good enough for leakage in the back of the car. Spraying on the fresh air vents did a tiny amount of change, which is expected since recirculate probably sucks a little air from outside as the flap for air filter is closed.

Same rate of cooling with car in “engine off” mode with temp on high or low. Probably be a better test with “engine on” mode.

Heater test


Try it on a “working” vehicle, the Ford Fusion. Surprise surprise, same behavior. So…how are we supposed to clear out the windshield when it's raining outside and humid inside?


Kinda just doing #1 over again, except with a lot more water vapor, using a kettle with hot water + hair dryer to spray it about. I put sensor into output of AC evaporator. It'd have been nice to have 2 sensors, but that'll wait for another time…

Recirc is on.

Time Thing
5-10 Heating up more water, put it in air, opening door, etc
13-20 Turn on TEMP setting (“Air Conditioner / Heater Power) AC to cold.
Not the greatest for defrosting windshield (higher temps = easier to absorb water), but I wanted to see if it'd help turn water into drops or not
20-23 Turn off TEMP setting.
Magical water vapor comes from … where???
23-end Turn off recirculate (outside air, cold, pretty dry)


If you turn on heat with recirc turned on and A/C turned off, there should be a fixed amount of moisture in the vehicle and the dew point should stay constant.

Time Action
30 Turned on heat, recirc
60 Turned on A/C, cold, fresh air I think
70 Turned on heat, recirc
80 Turned on heat, fresh air (to fully clear out any moisture in vents of vehicle)
175 Kept heat on, recirc; No dew point change should occur
280 Started spraying water on front and right of vehicle. A change is noticed!

Try 2

Fans are on full blast with recirc on

Time (s) Action
300 Started active heating/ac
550 Turned off active heating/ac
750 Turned on active heating/ac
2600 Turned off active heating/ac
Fogged windows like crazy, all the ice on ac condenser melted rapidly
3000 Turned off vehicle
3750 Put vehicle into “no engine” mode, no active heating/ac, full fans
Apparently there is some heating in this state

And this thing isn't important, just urgent and tantalizingly close to being understood! >.<

Testing sensor response time

Might be useful:

Chevy Cruze forum

Man found that computer indicated changing position of vent behind glovebox, but the positions were incorrect…interesting!

Real Data Experiment!!

Reallu condensing night Clear sky is most important,

With htu21d at 10:30pm

location Temp (F) RH % Dew Point
outside 39.9F 88%
spark back seat 39.8 82%
spark front seat 40.1 80.8%
spark dash 40.3 80.0% 33
spark defrost vent!!! 40.5 76.6%
Ford fusion dash 42.2 67.5% 33
outside, 11pm huh whaa? 37.8 92.4%
outside reference (KHIO) 34 92%
spark driver foot well 39.2 86.5% 35
spark defrost vent 11:14PM 38.5 81.7%
outside 11:15 37.3 91.0%
Saab 11:27 43.0 70% 34
outside 11:29 37.75 90.2%

* Interesting, the dew point is basically the same for all 3 cars! Which means, they all have the same amount of moisture…?!?!

Re-measure at 7:30am the next morning. Lots of frozen dew and pretty foggy

Location Temp RH Dew Point
Outside ~32.6 92.5 % 30.9
KHIO 31 92% 29.3
Saab front dash 33.5 75.6% 25.7
Spark front dash 36.0 84.2% 31.8
Spark front seat 35.08 85.3% 31.0
Spark front seat (7:30 next night, starting to condense) 46 65 35

Non-contact IR thermometer was all over the place at these temperatures…

I want to check the long vent sound, might be switching from defrost to feet mode or something…

from Tkinter import *
import time
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)  # open serial port, 9600
root = Tk()
clock = Label(root, font=('times', 150, 'bold'), bg='green')
clock.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
def tick():
	line = ser.readline() + ser.readline()
mainloop() Lists dew point and other stuff for portland airport