Table of Contents


School/education is not for teaching, but for learning. –Oregon State professor when describing the lack of understanding and massive confusion his students demonstrated when tackling a 2-minute problem in groups of 2 after they affirmed verbally that they understood the example previously presented.
Quicker isn't necessarily smarter, and slower isn't necessarily dumber. The intuitive person might not understand rigorously the idea. –One World Schoolhouse, Sal Khan
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a very narrow field –Neils Bohr
How professionals get to be “professionals” is by reading and trying stuff with disks they didn't care about. –StackOverflow on recovering disk data

Seymour Papert and John Holt are big learning people. I WANT TO READ THEIR BOOKS. Summaries at and Bret Victor

Brain Rules

By Dr. John Medina

Dave Gibbons Really interesting passages from the Bible. However, my current lens is from a skeptic perspective

Are you sure that when you learn something, it actually takes root? + some other stuff I forget


More of the same as above. “Tell then drill” is often used, whereas IMACS

“Decades of research with children suggests that young learners who may be programming don’t necessarily learn problem solving well, and many, in fact, struggle with algorithmic concepts especially if they are left to tinker in programming environments, or if the learning is not scaffolded and designed using the right problems and pedagogies.” (high school student taking Scheme classes) “The thing I liked most about taking this course in Scheme was that I knew that I was learning something.”

My background: A “TAG” student raised in a non-IMACS environment in *Hillsboro, OR* and graduated high school in 2008. I somehow got into Carnegie Mellon and wanted to learn more about signal processing primarily and pushed to take as difficult as courses as I could handle within my interests. I ended up getting C's in every math-related course and frankly still don't have a working understanding of probability and differential equations, I think because we went too fast and I resorted to pattern-matching. I am trying to balance see how important getting a

I am reading your blog and trying to meta-search it using Google to answer my questions, but I don't know the keywords for a few of my remaining questions. Please link to any relevant blog posts instead of rewriting them.

Do non-gifted kids exist? How do they learn optimally? What things should they not learn? Should they not learn critical thinking –> do IMACS?

What What should parents with non “TAG” students do? isn't this program appropriate for non-gifted-and-talented students?

What should I study? Do you have resources you recommend? How do you guys read books?