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Tips and Tricks

Sous Vide

Can alternatively tenderize the meat using a mallet or chemistry?! I wonder how that compares to 24 hours in a sous vide

Only the surface of meats (except for poultry apparently) has the bacteria, so you can cook the inside to whatever temperature you want then you're done!

Collagen breakdown for tough cuts can happen for long time at low temperatures, or short time at high temperatures.

Collagen fibers begin to break at above 160˚F and reach a peak rate at 180˚. It takes at least 3 hours for the collagen to convert to gelatin sufficiently to hold its form after refrigeration. The problem, though, is that collagen starts to contract at 140˚, and if there isn't sufficient fat to resist the contraction the moisture will be wrung from the meat before the collagen finishes breaking into gelatin. Contrastingly, enzyme breakdown is what sous vide does. In particular, collagenases activate at 113˚, peak at 130˚, and completely denature above 140˚. It takes a minimum of 6 hours at 130˚ for enzyme conversion of collagen into gelatin in a young animal (e.g., veal and lamb), and up to 48 hours in a roast from a mature animal. And it all happens well below where the collagen can contract.

Great site, lots of science:

Takes about 20-30 minutes to bring a refrigerated meat to temperature.

What's helping is to add a layer of salt to outside before frying. Adds a nice “steakhouse” touch.



It's nice to get a sear on it, but honestly, it doesn't add that much to the flavor. Mostly crispy crust for texture.

Recommends cast iron skillet (can retain a lot of heat) searing with oil, then further finishing with hot flame like searzall. Super hot gas/coals grill works well too. Want the char without heating up the inside too much.

Beef / Steak

Not small amount of pepper would be good.

Next time try lamb, searing/cooking a piece of raw steak, and maybe 1 hour cooked steak of tender steak meat (loin or something).



Helps to tenderize meat, I think. But….sous vide should do that too, right?


1 sugar cube = 3 grams of sugar.

I did too much salt last time, almost a full small glass bowl (3/4 cup = 225 grams) for 6 pounds of beef. 1/4 to 1/2 of that would probably be good. Need to test in separate bags as the broth will meld

Why isn't my hand burnt when I put it in a 350F oven?

Basically, dry air isn't as great of a medium for energy transfer / cooking as water is. A humid oven would burn your hand very quickly.

Current Setup

Why can't you just use your stove?Will test out soon

Why Bang Bang Control for Stove ?

Why can't we have “dimmed” stoves and crock-pots with high switching frequency? From StackExchange

On the other hand, things like corded hand drills rely on having variable speed control and are reasonably high-powered. I guess they use TRIACs! (probably because they have to).

For a store-away solution, use a 120V outlet in one unit like this one. Great review of lower temp (250F max I think), higher temp is a few bucks more.

Popular screws-in-back solution is STC-1000, $17, Adjustable setpoints down to +/- .3C.

Another that uses PID is ITC-100.



Dutch windmill cookie. Decent recipe with a lot of spices, including pepper!
