Table of Contents

Basic Christianity (by J.R. Stott)

Ch 1: The Right Approach

Ch 2: The Claims of Christ

Our purpose is to marshal the evidence to prove that Jesus was the Son of God. We shall not be satisfied with a verdict declaring his vague divinity; it is his deity which we mean to establish. We believe him to possess an eternal and essential relation to God possessed by no other person. We regard him neither as God in human disguise, nor as a man with divine qualities, but as the God-man. We are persuaded that Jesus was a historic person possessing two distinct and perfect natures, Godhead and manhood, and in this to be absolutely and forever unique. Only so could he be worthy not just of our admiration but of our worship.


Jesus equates himself with the God of the Jews a lot!


Resurrection From The Dead

He warned his hearers that their destiny depended on their response to his teaching, as the destiny of Israel had depended on their response to Jehovah’s word.

Ch 3: The Character of Christ

The Christian knows that the nearer he approaches God, the more he becomes aware of his own sin. In this the saint somewhat resembles the scientist. The more the scientist discovers, the more he appreciates the mysteries which await his discovery.